Message from the Director - KICoB

It is my honour to introduce you to Kizumbi Institute of Co-operative and Business Education (KICoB) Welcome and thank you for visiting our website. KICoB is one of the two Institutes of the Moshi Co-operative University (MoCU).

Welcome to KICoB

It is my honour to introduce you to Kizumbi Institute of Co-operative and Business Education (KICoB) Welcome and thank you for visiting our website. KICoB is one of the two Institutes of the Moshi Co-operative University (MoCU). It is an arm of the University distantly allocated in the Shinyanga region, about six kilometres from the city centre, along the Tabora-Mwanza road. The Institute came into existence following the upgrading of the then Kizumbi Teaching Center, in 2021 by the Tanzania Commission for Universities. The Institute operates under the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic, Research and Consultancy (DVC-ARC). KICoB has the mandate to offer training, research and consultancy services in Co-operative and Business Management. On this website, we provide information about the Institute in terms of its functions, Departments and units, training programmes, and areas of research and consulting. We hope the information offered here is important to the co-operative actors and business communities seeking our services in form of training, research and consultancy services. It is also anticipated that the information will open up another channel for the general public to interact with KICoB.

Prof. Isaac Kazungu
Kizumbi Institute of Co-operative and Business Education(KICoB)