Career Fair Day Showcases Student Talent and Creativity at KICoB in Shinyanga Region

Career Fair Day Showcases Student Talent and Creativity at KICoB in Shinyanga Region

In a recent event held at Kizumbi Institute of Cooperative and Business Education (KICoB) in Shinyanga, Ms. Hilda Boniface, Assistant Secretary of Cooperative Societies in the region, commended and encouraged students who participated in the Career Fair Day on Friday, May 10, 2024. Serving as the guest of honor, Ms. Hilda praised the students for their exceptional talents and skills showcased during the event, which attracted a large audience. The exhibition featured various talents and crafts, including calendar design, singing and dancing, culinary arts, and product design. The Career Fair Day, initiated at the Cooperative University of Moshi (MoCU) and its affiliate institution (KICoB) in Shinyanga, aims to provide students with a platform to showcase their talents and various handcrafted skills, recognizing the potential for these talents to open up more employment opportunities.