Fire safety training conducted In an effort to enhance fire safety awareness and preparedness in KICoB

Fire safety training conducted In an effort to enhance fire safety awareness and preparedness in KICoB

In an effort to enhance fire safety awareness and preparedness, employees from the Cooperative and Business Education Institute of Kizumbi (KICoB), SUMA JKT Guards (institutional security), Student Government Leaders of KICoB, and personnel from the Sanitation Company received training from the Shinyanga Municipality Fire and Rescue Brigade. Participants were educated on proper fire prevention techniques at workplaces, homes, and during transportation, as well as how to identify different types of fires and the appropriate measures to take for each. They were also reminded to ensure that their households are equipped with fire-friendly infrastructure that could aid in evacuation during home fire emergencies, and the correct utilization of fire extinguishing equipment was emphasized to prevent further harm while extinguishing fires.